Nobel Biocare Dental Implant Placement : Use of Densah burs for Osseodensification

Bone Grafting with Autologous bone graft and Biooss and Densah was utilized for osseodensification and 3.5 X 11.5 mm Nobel Biocare Conical was put.
A 35 year old male patient accompanied missing lower central Incisor because of injury . Bone deformity was available (width of bone was likewise traded off).
Process done in step
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5 :
Book your appointment With Ekdantam Dental implant in Malviya nagar
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 10:
Autologous bone chips were collected with ACM from symphysis region .It was mixed with Creos bovine bone graft .
Cytoplast PTFE membrane was secured with membrane tags and tugged under cover screw .
FE suture was used for site closure .
Dentist: –
Dr. Kapil Singhal