What is the procedure of Dental Implants
Dental implant is a screw of titanium that is inserted in the bone and natural bone engages with this implant and a crown is than fixed over it .
The first step before implant placement is TREATMENT PLANING . This is the most important step and helps to plan the size of implant or does implant require any other grafting or other procedure like sinus lift , ridge split .
Once all the investigations( X rays , CT scans and Blood investigations ) had been done and all preparation are made for the implant surgery , these are steps that would be done during the entire implant surgery:-
1) If the tooth is missing than implant can be placed directly at the site of missing tooth. But if some grossly decayed tooth is there that cannot be saved, it is removed at the time of surgery and implant is placed at the same time.
2)First the tissue (Flap) is uncovered , This helps to see the bone so that further sequential drills can be used to make holes (Osteotomy) in your bone
3) . The hole is widened according to the width of bone available and size of implant to be placed. Once the hole (Osteotomy) of appropriate size is made , implant is inserted .
4) After placing the implant , the site is sutured and closed and your implant is not visible in oral cavity.
5) Once the implant has been placed than it is left for a certain period , so that the implant integrates with the bone .(approx 2 months in lower bone and 3-4 months in upper bone.)
6) After this period once implant is osseointegrated (attached to bone ) to bone ,stage 2 procedure is done(We at EKDANTAM DO IT WITH LASER ) to reflect the implant in oral cavity (IMPLANT HEALING CAP is placed)
7) Patient is called after 7 days and impression is made and sent to dental lab for fabrication of prosthesis.
7) The lab send’s the prosthesis to the doctor and it is attached to the patients