Sinus lift in upper posterior implants
Upper jaw bone is soft bone and with loss of teeth it gets lost , due to loss of function . Implants are something that simulate your lost tooth root . Implants are inserted in bone . but with loss of bone, placement of implant gets impossible without grafting many times .
Similarly with loss of tooth in posterior upper jaw , the bone resorbs very fast , and to place a implant a simultaneous (Sinus lift ) grafting procedure is required to place a implant .
What is maxillary sinus ?
Maxillary sinus is a hollow bone lined with a membrane that is present in upper posterior jaw (SEE X RAY BELOW ) .The bone in which implant is to be placed is present below it . There should be atleast 10-12 mm bone height for implant placement . The X ray below on right upper posterior side has less bone and require sinus lift with grafting so that height of bone can be increased for implant placement .

Pre OP

Post OP
There are many question that comes to your mind before sinus lift ?
q1 ) Is sinus lift painful procedure?
Ans Sinus lift is a routine grafting procedure with a specialized technique with no post operative pain but with slight swelling post operatively that subsides within 3-4 days .We at Ekdantam do it with a piezosurgery unit to make it painless and highly predictable.
Q2) How much are the chances of success of sinus lift ?
Sinus lift is the most predictable grafting procedure and if done correctly gives 100 % results .