Ridge split / expansion Along with Implants
With loss of tooth there is deficiency in bone amount . This deficiency causes compromise in implant placement , as implant require good amount of bone to be there for proper stability .Ridge split and expansion is a procedure to increase bone width .
When is it required ?
It is done when height of one is sufficient to place a implant but the width of bone is insufficient , so to place a implant of desired width the bone is first expanded in width along with simultaneous implant placement .
What is the procedure ?
There are many ways to increase bone width , one of which is bone split and expansion .
1) Incision is given and bone is cut from the middle with the help of Peizo surgery unit .Piezo surgery unit helps to make a sharp and very precise cut with no post op trauma and pain. EKDANTAM is equipped with the latest peizosurgery unit for doing all complex implant surgery.
2) After all cuts are made , than with the help of some instruments(Chisels) or expansion screws the area from where the bone is cut is expanded .This helps to expand the width of bone and help to place implant of appropriate width simultaneously .